Art Blog
"Follow Me Down" Looking For Some Light Collection
Posted by Emilie Taylor on

“Follow Me Down” Is the 6th and last painting in the series (For now) This painting was finished on 5-20-20 a whole month after the 5th painting. This painting probably took the most time to shape in my head. It also took some help! Which is actually very fitting for the piece. The idea behind this painting is the light and hope one person can bring by being a friend and loving someone through a dark or difficult time. Though no one in this life can love you perfectly the way God does. We were created to need companionship not meant...
"This is Home" Looking for some Light Collection
Posted by Emilie Taylor on

“This is Home” is the 5th Painting in my Looking for some Light Collection finished on 4-21-20 You might recognize this beach from the 2nd Narnia movie when the Pevensie children go back to Narnia. For this painting I wanted something along the lines of coming out of a dark cave into beauty and light. I’ve always loved how they enter Narnia cinematically, so it’s not surprising that this cave and beach were in my mind for this painting. Naming it “This in Home” comes from a Switchfoot song they wrote for that movie. Jon said this about it and...
"Hope is a Seed you have to Sow" Looking for some Light Collection
Posted by Emilie Taylor on

Hope is a Seed you have to Sow is the 3rd painting in the Looking for some Light Collection finished on 4-11-20 This painting means a lot of different things to me personally. The desert as a dry, hot, barren land it’s usually a symbol of trials. And this cracked dry land is many things to me, wounds that may never fully heal, seasons of hardship. Maybe more then anything is a place you may find yourself after a storm. Wandering aimlessly it’s a place you could get lost in. But the flower growing against all odds reaching is roots...
"AntiConformity" Looking For Some Light Collection
Posted by Emilie Taylor on

Anticonformity is the 4th in my Looking For Some Light Collection. Finished on 4-17-20 I feel like this painting might speak things to people differently and I love that about it. My heart behind this one was that all to often we spend our time trying so hard to fit in, to be liked. We conform to fit in a certain social standing. Or we’re measuring our success with people that always make you feel like you’re falling short. Social media has a way of painting perfect lives that none of us really have. And I think we forget the...
Defiant Looking For Some Light Collection
Posted by Emilie Taylor on

Defiant is the second painting in my Looking For Some Light collection finished on 4-6-20. Defiant is about letting your light shine. All too often the world tries to snuff it out of us. It’s not just people, it’s the trials we go through, pain, and sorrow. Life has a way of feeling so heavy and its easy to feel surrounded by the dark. Choosing to light your lantern even when you feel alone might just be how you inspire others. And choosing is a key word there, making the choice to be brave, trust, speak truth, and be the...